InfoTrie offers global coverage of company profiles for all the publicly traded & private entities. Access in-depth profiles, hard-to-find details combined with robust screening capability for risk mitigation & predictive modelling tools & techniques. We correlate public & private equity community and their relationships with the world’s leading venture capital associations
We help you with reliable data for researching private companies with High-value proprietary content for all important & relevant companies like Portfolio companies, venture and private equity firms, Pre-IPO companies & industry-leading vendors.
Key Facts
- Coverage – Global (100 nations)
- History – 10 years of history for the full financials.
- Delivery Mechanism – API, Cloud, Excel, FTP, SFTP.
- Data Items – Company name, address, industry, description, URL, revenues, financial statements and key executives & more.
- Data format – CSV, HTML, JSON, PDF, Python, Text, User Interface, XML
- Data Refreshed – Daily, Weekly, Bi-Annually or Annually and on demand.
Features of Company Profiles
- Access 100K global private companies through multiple sources.
Benefits of Company Profiles
- Measure cross-company comparison with due diligence.
- Analyze performance with general market trend analysis.
- Benchmark powerful screening capabilities to filter universes.
- Create custom reports across universes to find potential targets for acquisition or Investment opportunities.
Use Cases
- Investigate acquisition targets, divestiture opportunities, alliance partners, financing activities.
- Identify acquisition or partnership opportunities.
- Research and predict risk exposure.
External Links and Sample Sources
- United States
- U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) EDGAR Database: https://www.sec.gov/edgar.shtml
- Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED): https://fred.stlouisfed.org/
- Canada
- SEDAR (System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval): https://www.sedar.com/
- United Kingdom
- UK Companies House: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/companies-house
- Germany
- Bundesanzeiger (Federal Gazette): https://www.bundesanzeiger.de/
- France
- Infogreffe (Commercial Court Registry): https://www.infogreffe.com/
- Japan
- Japan’s Financial Services Agency EDINET (Electronic Disclosure for Investors’ Network): https://disclosure.edinet-fsa.go.jp/
- China
- China’s National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System: http://www.gsxt.gov.cn/index.html
- India
- Ministry of Corporate Affairs: http://www.mca.gov.in/
- Australia
- Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC): https://asic.gov.au/
- Singapore
- Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA): https://www.acra.gov.sg/
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