5.6 – Samples Calls

We are listing down the most commonly used API calls below, for your quick reference and convenience.

Identifying Companies Id

To get the corresponding company id for a ticker by Company Name, please use the below API.

Get a list of companies

Alternatively, you may use the below API to get a list of all the active companies and their corresponding company is.

Get Articles

Once you have the company id handy, you may use the following API with combinations of parameters of your choice to fetch sentiments and articles.

  • a. https://feed.finsents.com/idata/get_articles?class_nameid=c_1389&timezone=America/New_York&start_date=2019-03-12&end_date=2019-03-01 ( for a specific date range ).

  • b. https://feed.finsents.com/idata/get_articles?class_nameid=c_35&timezone=America/New_York&offset=15 ( for last 15 days data)

  • c. https://feed.finsents.com/idata/get_articles?class_nameid=c_1389&timezone=America/New_York&start_date=2019-03-12&end_date=2019-03-01&count=100 (whereas count = maximum number of records to be returned )

Please note that the default number of records returned by the API will be 50. Please use the ‘count’ parameter if you need to fetch more number of records.

  • d. https://feed.finsents.com/idata/get_sentiment_history?nameid=c_1389&start_date=2019-04-03&end_date=2019-01-01&timezone=Asia/Singapore

Get Sentiment History

Instead of using InfoTrie “c_” ids, you may use tickers as below. Other parameters ( start_date, end_date, timezone, ndays, count, etc..) remain the same.
